How to season foie gras?

Foie gras is an exceptional food that only requires delicate seasoning to turn it into a dish nothing short of sublime.

Seasoning foie gras may be considered "a technique" by many home cooks, but most renowned chefs consider it an "art."

Making an excellent foie gras is simple and complex at the same time, simple because foie gras is duck or goose liver, salt and pepper, now, it is complicated because of the quality of the ingredients (especially the liver), its preparation, cooking and pairing with the perfect amount of spices requires precision and experience; Furthermore, since each individual foie gras requires specific cooking and seasoning, it is impossible to prepare foie gras in large quantities or mechanically.

Whether you pan-fry the liver or make a terrine, you can choose which seasonings to use.

The best chefs compete with each other to offer the best fried foie gras by adding, for example, meat (Tournedos Rossini), scallops, or fruits such as apples.

Likewise, they will season their foie gras terrines in multiple ways. In the case of preparing terrines, after having carefully deveined and separated the two lobes of the liver, you can marinate your fresh, refrigerated foie gras in a sauce for a few hours before cooking it. This can work very well, allowing a variety of flavors to permeate the surface of the liver.

The marinade possibilities are endless and you can try alcohol-based sauces like Sauternes, Port or perhaps Armagnac, or experiment with sweet flavors like vanilla, grape or currant for a touch of luxury with slices of foie gras.

In the case of canned foie gras, whether it is a whole foie gras or a block of foie gras, it is the producer who determines the seasoning.

The best foie gras makers choose quality sea salts such as Guérande and peppers with a more or less pronounced flavor (Sechuan pepper, Madagascar pepper, etc.), or even Espelette pepper.

Then it's up to you to choose if you want to add anything before preparing the foie gras your way.

Here are our top 3 seasonings for canned foie gras:

1. Season the foie gras with a little salt and pepper.

This is the simplest way to season: a few grams of sea salt or a few extra peppercorns to enhance the flavor of the foie gras a little.

2. Season the foie gras with fruity aromas.

Dried fruits, onion chutney, fig chutney, raspberry jelly or apricot jam work well and will delight those who appreciate sweet and sour combinations.

Truffles are a great classic in any foie gras

The subtle flavor of truffle pairs perfectly with an excellent foie gras

Foie gras is a great delicacy, and there are so many ways to prepare it and with homemade recipes with toasted bread or brioche, hot or cold, it is easy to surprise your guests.

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